Did You Use Paraquat or Gramoxone Herbicide and Now have Parkinson's Disease?

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paraquat claims

Paraquat/Gramoxone Associated with Parkinson's Disease

Research indicates that Paraquat exposure increases the risk of developing Parkinson's disease years after the exposure.

In 2019, the Unified Parkinson's Advocacy Council told the EPA that "there is strong scientific evidence linking Paraquat to Parkinson's, including one study that found an increased Parkinson's risk of 200 to 600 percent, depending on the overall number of years of exposure."

Paraquat is one of the most popular herbicides in the United States

The use of Paraquat doubled from 2013 to 2017, the latest date for which figures are available, reaching 10,000,000 pounds annually.

Paraquat exposure is common among Americans who worked in food and agriculture, especially with Soybeans, Cotton, and Corn. More than 30 countries worldwide — including China and the European Union — have already banned Paraquat, but it is still sold and use here.

paraquat claims

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